If you need a luxury weekend bag (or just a huge carryall), and money is no object, you can’t do much better than a Weekender from Balenciaga handbags. Made from incredible butter-soft 100% lambskin, the weekender isn’t your mother’s handbag. This bad boy boasts over 20 inches of length, 13.8 inches of width and 9.1 inches of depth. It’s definitely ideal for weekend getaways when you don’t need many clothes. As an everyday fashion bag, it’s workable, although when fully loaded, it does get heavy. The roomy interior can hold several outfits comfortably, and there is an interior pocket for all of your loose change or small objects. Balenciaga Weekender comes in one of three colors: cool Pomegranate, warm Chestnut or sassy Raisin.
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