Balenciaga is one of the most favorite designer handbag brands among celebrities. Its bags frequently appear in the hands of many celebrities from all walks of life. Compared with other handbags, Balenciaga handbags always have their own magic weapon to win, maybe the distinctive design, high quality or just some small details, for instance, the leather framed hand mirror.
Coated in supper calfskin, Balenciaga Lune Large Handbag is available in two colors, classic yet sophisticated black and fresh yet feminine green. The aged gold plated metal hardware combined with the soft calfskin creates a luxurious yet classic appearance. Twist-lock closure gives extra security for your essentials in the bag, but also increases the artistry of the whole design. The considerate design of leather framed hand mirror is one of the characteristics of Balenciaga bags, which ingeniously provides convenience for women.
Besides, this Italy-made handbag is measured at 14” x 7” x 16”, am ample size for everyday use, even for vacation trip. Patch pocket on the front greatly spans its capacity. And the covered pyramid-shaped studs in the back and metal pyramid-shaped studs at the bottom greatly prevent the bag from scratches. Opening its top closure show the fine textile lining and interior zip pocket with Balenciaga embossed leather tag. Thanks to the calfskin handle and removable shoulder strap, the versatile fashion bag can be held in the hand or across the body.
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