If you have ever been a fan of
Balenciaga Handbags, you would know that most of its bags are classic and functional as well. Sometimes you may consider it as rather dull and boring, for there is no colorful decorative detail on its bag, all that it has is a versatile hand mirror. If ever you are asked to describe
Balenciaga bag in a word, it is decent. Its bag is always in a decent shape with a modest capacity. As you can see from this Balenciaga Neo Classic Besace Handbag, which is among the
Balenciaga Cruise 2008 Women Master Catalog.
Crafted in ultra fine grained calfskin besace, this
designer bag is available in three colors, black, taupe and kaki. The fine leather is well cut and woven together. The tiny fold drape on both sides brings an interesting look to the bag. The bag measures 13 inches in length, 3 inches in width and 8 inches in height. It is spacious enough to hold all your daily accessories but won’t appear too stuffy.